Thanks for a great 22nd AIM! 

22nd Annual Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop

January 21 – 23, 2025

Poster information

The Advanced Imaging Methods Workshop (AIM) is a 3-day event hosted by the CRL Molecular Imaging Center at UC Berkeley. AIM features new and emerging microscopy techniques and their applications in the biological sciences. We bring together internationally-renowned researchers in a broad variety of fields including biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, probe design, cellular biology, neuroscience, optics, metabolism and more.  AIM has a particular focus on time-resolved techniques, such as time-correlated single photon counting and fluorescence lifetime imaging, as well as live cell and multiphoton microscopy. 

In addition to invited talks from scientific leaders, AIM2025 will include demonstrations on-site and on campus, tours of UC Berkeley imaging facilities, lunch and coffee breaks, and evening receptions. There will also be a poster session and vendor fairs – both with prizes!

AIM includes healthy gourmet lunch on-site each day, coffee breaks, evening receptions, and plenty of opportunities for interactions among participants.

Even with the generous support of our sponsors (90% of costs are defrayed by our sponsors!), AIM is not a free event. Everyone must register for AIM. Please register here:


AIM 2025 MAP.

List of Demonstrations and Tutorials 

Vendor Fair


Posters – coming soon



Register here:





4D Advanced Microscopy of Brain Circuits Course – on hold until further notice

A collaborative effort between the CRL-Molecular Imaging Center, the Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, UC Berkeley faculty and graduate students, and Zeiss Microscopy, the inaugural 4D Advanced Microscopy in Brain Circuits course, held from January 10-15, 2016, was a huge success! Sixteen students from around the country participated in lectures and hands-on labs where they had access to state-of-the-art instruments. 

4DAMBC is currently on hold.

Please contact for more information.

The 2017 course was May 21-27, 2017. More information here: official course website