FCF Facility News

CD38 regulates HSCs activation and Aging
July 23rd, 2024

The Chen lab at UC Berkeley discovered that CD38 functions as a NAD-dependent metabolic checkpoint, which regulates Hematopoietic Stem Cell (HSC) activation and aging. HSCs, being a rare cell type of particular interest in leukemia therapy, play a crucial role in hematopoietic homeostasis. The current detailed study of HSC metabolism provides new insights into the […]

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1st Annual Hi-D FACS Conference
March 12th, 2024

I am thrilled to announce 1st Annual Hi-D FACS Conference. Cancer Research Laboratory FACS Core Facility is co-hosting this event in collaboration with BD Biosciences. A special thanks to Dr. Russell Vance for supporting this event.  Looking forward to see you there. Reserve your spot here! https://bit.ly/bd-thnkspectral-032024

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World 1st ever, accredited academic, Flow Cytometry Course
December 1st, 2023

“drop-by-drop, cell-by-cell, excites, emits nobel tale” Fall 2023; Congratulations to my dear students who have successfully graduated from the 1st ever accredited academic FACS (Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting) course (2 units, 14 weeks/semester) 

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Single Cell Western Blotting
July 24th, 2014

The Herr and Schaffer labs at UC Berkeley describe the development of a new technology called Single Cell Western Blotting. This new technology, which allows for unprecedented analysis of protein expression at the single cell level, was developed in conjunction with Dr. Kartoosh Heydari at the CRL Flow Cytometry Facility. For more information see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24880876.

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Introducing iLab
February 10th, 2014

We are soon transitioning the facility to a new online reservation and billing system called iLab. This new system will greatly improve the efficiency of our operations and better allow us to track instrument usage. Currently, only certain test users have been invited to use the iLab system, but we anticipate that all users will […]

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Flow Cytometry Facility Is Now Open
January 10th, 2014

The new Flow Cytometry Facility on the 4th floor of the Li Ka Shing building is now operational! Dr. Kartoosh Heydari is delighted to help you. This facility is equipped with a five laser Influx cell sorter (situated within a biosafety cabinet for BL2 work), and a five laser Fortessa analyzer.

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