Nikon Spinning Disc Confocal Microscope (Wall-E)

-Inverted configuration
-Incubation and motorized stage
-Objectives: 20x air, 60x oil, 100x oil
-Excitation lasers: 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 635nm

-Software platform: Nikon Imaging Systems (NIS) Elements

MIC videos on using Wall-E

WallE startup and shutdown procedures

Nikon has great tutorial videos for their NIS Elements software which is the GUI that drives all their instruments. These NIS Elements videos are within Nikon’s elearning portal (which contains a wider selection of microscopy knowledge videos). You first have to sign up though (and wait 24 hours):

Nikon’s elearning portal signup

MIC form for card key access to Barker 318 – fill this out after you’ve been trained on Wall-E