Online scheduling and access to the facility
Online scheduling and access to the facility:
The lab is open from 9:00 am until 8:30 pm Monday through Friday. Instruments are scheduled in advance on a first come, first served basis. Please call 642-2843 or stop by to check on instrument availability. Sorting time has to be arranged with the facility’s operator. It is not unusual to schedule sort time two weeks in advance.
We use an online software system called iLab to schedule training and instrument reservations. Access the CRL Flow Cytometry Facility iLab website by clicking this link:
If you do not have an iLab account, click on Sign Up in the upper right hand corner of the Facility iLab homepage. Once you have created an account, your PI will have to validate your membership in their lab, and provide an account number to which your use of the facility can be billed.
In order to utlize the analyzers, you will need to have been designated as a trained user. If you are already a regular user of the instruments, contact Hector or Kartoosh to be designated within iLab as trained. Otherwise, use iLab to request a training session.